Dazzle under the disco ball in a sequinned dress

Dazzle under the disco ball in a sequinned dress

This party season don't be a dud on the dance floor, but let your inner party animal come through with a bit of a sparkle.

Sequins, glitter and feathers are not to be used only on the face but add embellishment to your dresses, skirts or pants. Try to keep it to one item though, as you don't want a look that resembles a Christmas bauble.

If you're not too confident for a sparkly skirt or dress, choose an accessory which will add something different to the outfit. Accessorize have the best choice of embellished handbags and head to ASOS for a wide pick of shoes that will dazzle under the disco ball.

French Connection have a wide selection of the best party dresses and cover ups which will keep you warm through the winter nights and still reveal your inner stylishness.

Femalefirst Taryn Davies

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