Are most of your clothes roaming on your floor?
The bedroom floor may be clear from time to time, but the chances are if you're looking for something to wear it's soon going to become the 'floordrobe'.
New research reveals that more than half of Brits admit to suing their bedroom floors to store their clothes, despite the majoirty of these people having adequate space.
Busy lifestyles, laziness and relationship frustrations are to blame for Britons having both clean and dirty laundry piled up in their bedrooms; in what has been dubbed the ‘floordrobe’.
The respondents in the survey had a list to choose from for reasons behind their floordrobe, the results were:
Too busy to put clothes away properly – 56%
Can’t be bothered/too lazy to put clothes away – 29%
A statement of protest to partner (think they should put the clothes away) – 25%
Like having the clothes within easy reach – 21%
Lack of wardrobe space – 9%
Jason Ashby, MD and Founder of ukflooringdirect.co.uk, who conducted the research, had the following to say:
“We decided to conduct this research as we kept hearing the term ‘floordrobe’ being thrown around and wanted to understand why. We all know what it’s like with the never ending cycle of laundry and sorting; it really is never-ending. If people have forked out on a nice new floor for their bedroom, there’s no point having it completely covered in clothes so no one can see it!
“If you have sufficient wardrobe space, there really is no excuse for having clothes strewn across your floor. People should take a little more pride in their homes, regardless of how busy their lifestyles are or how lazy they may be!”
Tagged in fashion