Petra Ecclestone launched a beauty line for youngsters after discovering her 11-year-old daughter Lavinia was using her face creams.

Petra Ecclestone has launched a beauty line for youngsters

Petra Ecclestone has launched a beauty line for youngsters

The Formula 1 heiress waded into the world of cosmetics this year by creating Crickle Daisy - a beauty and skincare lined aimed at preteens - and Petra has admitted she wanted to create products for youngsters because they need different formulations to grown-ups.

She told The Times magazine: "Lavinia was using my products, which really weren’t good for [young skin]. I used to do the same with my mum’s Yves Saint Laurent products.

"I would put them all over my face when she wasn’t looking. I thought, why can’t I do something for the next generation?"

Petra added of her business: "I know that anything I achieve will never be close to anything my dad's [Formula 1 boss Bernie Ecclestone] done ... He's come from nowhere and done it all by himself. I had all the resources - the best schools, the social networks. I'm well aware of that.

"I just bored not being creative. And I want my kids to see I am trying to do something."

The collection include products such as the Strawberry Shortcake Lip Treat, Sweet Dreams Pillow Mist, Bubblegum Scented Bloom Baby Bloom Powder Brush and All Night Long Lip Treat Mask, while they have also launched a range of pyjamas.

A statement posted on the brand's website explained the Crickle Daisy ethos, revealing the products are designed to be gentle and encourage youngsters to take care of themselves.

It stated: "We understand how crucial it is to take care of yourself. Our gentle products nurture you, leaving you refreshed and glowing. Our luxurious lounge essentials express your unique style and create a peaceful space to unwind.

"Whether you're relaxing after a long day or prepping for a restful night, Crickle Daisy makes self-care delightful. Sweet dreams and radiant mornings await!"

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