Marilyn Monroe used to cover herself in Vaseline to achieve a "shiny glow".

Marilyn Monroe
Hollywood actress Renee Taylor has revealed the legendary late model's amazing skincare routine, but admits when she tried it herself, it didn't go down so well.
Speaking at an event to celebrate 50 years of the Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute, she said: "She came into class with Lee Strasberg one day and I just had to ask what she did. Marilyn told me, 'I rub my entire body down with Vaseline and then get into a three-hour hot bath every morning. It gives my skin a shiny glow.' So I tried that. I almost drowned."
Meanwhile, Marilyn previously opened up about her morning exercise routine.
She said: "Each morning after I brush my teeth, wash my face and shake off the first deep layer of sleep, I lie down on the floor beside my bed and begin my first exercise. It is a simple bust-firming routine which consists of lifting five-pound weights from a spread-eagle arm position to a point directly above my head.
"I do this 15 times, slowly. I repeat the exercise another 15 times from a position with my arms above my head. Then, with my arms at a 45-degree angle from the floor, I move my weights in circles until I'm tired. I don't count rhythmically like the exercise people on the radio; I couldn't stand exercise if I had to feel regimented about it."
Marilyn also liked being able to take things as easy as possible.
She shared: "I hate to do things in a hurried, tense atmosphere, and it is virtually impossible for me to spring out of bed in the morning. On Sunday, which is my one day of total leisure, I sometimes take two hours to wake up, luxuriating in every last moment of drowsiness. Depending upon my activities, I sleep between five and ten hours every night. I sleep in an extra-wide single bed, and I use only one heavy down comforter over me, summer or winter. I have never been able to wear pyjamas or creepy nightgowns; they disturb my sleep."
Tagged in Marilyn Monroe