Kim Kardashian West was "foolish and ignorant" to think she wasn't going to offend people with her Kimono shapewear.

Kim Kardashian West

Kim Kardashian West

The 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians' star was forced to change the name of her new collection to SKIMS after she was accused of cultural appropriation.

Speaking on the family's E! reality show, she said: "My intention wasn't ever to offend anybody. Foolishly and ignorantly, we never thought that it would be a problem."

Kim received a letter from the mayor of Kyoto, Japan, Daisaku Kadokawa, about her mishap and she described him as "very thoughtful" and he "very kindly explained" why.

She added: "He was very thoughtful and very kindly explaining to me the meaning of kimono and why that's so important to their culture. Reading that letter, I felt an understanding.

"I definitely did not want to disrespect a culture. That's not what the brand is even about - it's about inclusivity, it's about comfort, it's not about making people uncomfortable."

Kim admitted she feels "kind of dumb" for choosing that name in the first place and lamented dealing with it in the spotlight.

She shared: "I just feel kind of dumb. Like, why didn't we think about this? It sucks that it's so public and that everyone can see the mistakes of the brand as they're live, but I've got to just calm down. Everything happens for a reason."

Kim opted for SKIMS, which she felt just "worked and flowed".

She said: "I need a name that really does speak to me the way that Kimono did. [SKIMS] is easy, it works, it flows. I just know that this is the right thing to do."