Hayley Hasselhoff is "size sexy and proud".

Hayley Hasselhoff

Hayley Hasselhoff

The 27-year-old model struggled with her weight when she was a teenager but has finally learned to love her body and wants other people to accept their own curves too.

Speaking to The Sun's Fabulous magazine, Haley explained: "I work hard to promote that our bodies don't define us, but if they did, I'd say the now moment is and will always be your size sexy. Everyone needs to love the body and person they are today to get to where they want to be tomorrow.

"I will always continue to share my struggles and my triumphs, as the most important thing within body positivity is finding your community and not feeling alone.

"I have good body days and bad body days, like I am sure all of us do. This isn't something that will magically go away.

"But it is something we can learn how to approach with a positive mindset, and I have.

"I am currently a healthy size 16, and 5ft 7in, loving all of me.

"Right now I am at my size sexy, and I am proud."

Hayley added that she battled with her weight in her teens because she developed curves before many of her peers.

And she wishes she had appreciated herself more during her teenage years as she can now look back on old pictures of herself and appreciate her curves.

Hayley explained: "When I was a teenager I wish I'd told myself beauty doesn't come from what you look like.

"And looking back at photos it makes me so sad to think I was unhappy with my weight when I was a normal-sized, beautiful young girl."

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