Georgia May Jagger takes "10 minutes" to get ready.

Georgia May Jagger
The 24-year-old English model - who signed to Independent Models in 2008 - has admitted she doesn't take "very long" to get dressed and has slashed her daily routine down to a swift few minutes because she is usually on her way to a photoshoot where they do the styling for her, although it still takes her the same length of time even when she is off duty.
Speaking to about her daily routine, the blonde beauty said: "Well, for me, because I'm getting ready to go get ready [for a shoot, job], it doesn't take me very long. I would say 10 minutes.
"[When off-duty] I'm really bad -- I set the alarm for 10 minutes before I'm supposed to leave the house."
And Georgia - who is the face of Sunglass Hut and has fronted campaigns for the beauty brand Rimmel - has revealed when she is in a mad rush to leave she prioritises choosing her outfit over perfecting her make-up and will happily apply her cosmetic products en route or in an office.
She explained: "Spend most of your time picking out your outfit, and bring your make-up in the car. It's easier to do it in the car or on the tube. Or just be late.
"I have to do it a lot. I have to go on a massive flight and then change in the bathroom of an office. I think the tricks are just a really great outfit that makes you feel like you're dressed up, some make-up or clean skin if that's the best you can do."
Meanwhile, Georgia - who is the daughter of Rolling Stones lead singer Mick Jagger and his ex-wife Jerry Hall - has revealed she prefers to adorn a pair of jeans and a classic leather jacket over a feminine dress.
Speaking about her wardrobe essentials, she said: "Even this dress [I'm wearing], for me, is girly. I'm much more of a jeans, leather jacket, boots kind of person, but I like feeling girly sometimes. I don't think you need to be pigeon-holed. It's whatever the vibe is."
Tagged in Georgia May Jagger