Have you found your perfect pair yet?
The quest for the perfect pair of jeans is hitting the wallets of women in the UK hard, as a new study conducted by the leading discount website in the UK has revealed that the average female Briton spends £315 in her quest to find the perfect pair of jeans for her shape.
Furthermore, the study also revealed that the average women buys three pairs of the same pair of jeans once she has found her ‘perfect pair.’
The study, conducted by www.MyVoucherCodes.co.uk, formed research into the spending habits of Britons when it came to fashion; with 1,782 women aged 18 and over taking part.
The women taking part were asked, “Have you found the perfect pair of jeans for your current body shape/ size?” to which just over half, 52%, said ‘yes’. These women were then asked to estimate how many pairs of jeans they had purchased in their quest to find the ‘perfect pair’, to which the average answer was ‘7 pairs.’
Furthermore, each of these respondents were asked to estimate, on average, how much each pair of jeans had cost before finding the ‘perfect pair.’ With all answers taken into account, the study found that ‘£45.01’, on average, was spent purchasing each pair of jeans before finding the perfect fit.
With all this taken into account, the average UK woman therefore spends £315.07 trying to find the ‘perfect pair’ of jeans.
Those who had found the ‘perfect pair of jeans’ for their current size and/or shape were asked how many pairs of the ‘perfect’ jeans they had purchased. With all answers taken into account, the average woman had purchased ‘3 pairs’ of their perfect jeans. When asked why, the majority of those who had purchased more than one pair, 61%, explained that the perfect pair of jeans was ‘hard to come by.’
Furthermore, of those taking part, two thirds, 67%, of women felt that having the ‘perfect’ fitting pair of jeans was a vital wardrobe essential. Two fifths, 41%, also admitted that they felt sexier in their ‘perfect’ pair of jeans than in a ‘going out’ dress.
Mark Pearson, Chairman of MyVoucherCodes.co.uk, commented on the findings:
“Finding the perfect pair of jeans can be tricky for men and women alike, and with this research we wanted to look into how much money women spend in their quest to find just that. It’s easy to forget how much money is wasted buying something that isn’t quite right, but to see that £300 is spent just trying to find the right jeans is a wake-up call to anyone.”
He continued:
“I’d recommend that people shouldn’t be afraid to take things back if they’re not right. Keep the receipt, try it on at home, and if it isn’t right take it back. At least then you’ll have more money to put towards buying more than one pair of the perfect fitting jeans when you find them!”
Tagged in fashion