Candice Huffine has partnered with Fossil for their new Sport Smartwatch campaign.

Candice Huffine

Candice Huffine

The 34-year-old beauty - who was the first plus-size model to appear in the prestigious Pirelli calendar - has praised the company for embracing "body inclusivity" and showing fitness advertisements should be aimed at more than just one body shape.

Speaking to PEOPLE, Candice said: "I think this Fossil campaign is proof of how much we have evolved in the space of inclusivity. Typically one body type has been portrayed in fitness advertisements.

"The fact that Fossil sees beyond size and recognises my strength and accomplishments as a woman and athlete means so much to me, which I feel is proof of true change towards the future I had personally always hoped for in this industry."

The stunning brunette promotes body confidence and advocates for "consistency" in the fashion industry, and the star also confessed that she is "finally" starting to see change and wider inclusivity represented in "advertising".

Candice added: "There is not one kind of body that works out, that wears bikinis, that is fashionable and the bubble, I feel, is finally bursting on that archaic form of advertising.

"True inspiration and aspiration lies in feeling seen, and encouraged to just be unapologetically you.

"My suggestion to the industry is just consistency and solid commitment. Brands, magazines, companies, television, etc. have to remain committed to constant diversity and inclusivity.

"There is no going back. This is how it is now and if you don't double down and stay the course of celebrating the truth of all women, it will come off as tokenism."