Roberto Cavalli

Roberto Cavalli

Roberto Cavalli chose to dress as fellow fashion legend Karl Lagerfeld for his star studded Halloween Ball in New York last night.

The exclusive party was held at Cipriani 42nd Street and celebrated the expansion of Cavalli's own vodka brand,'Roberto Cavalli Vodka'which is the latest addition to the Cavalli empire.

Guests including John Legend and Eve arrived in scary- yet fabulously fashionable- halloween costumes to toast the fact that now they can not only wear the label of a fashion legend but also drink it too.

Cavalli himself appeared to be having a whale of a time as he greeted guests in the Lagerfeld signature long black coat and big sunglasses complete with cigar.

"I make the vodka because I like having sexy times with the sexy ladies," the designer explained to Radar.

"The vodka is actually inspired from my fashion, but I hope the fashion isn't inspired from the vodka," he adds,"Though maybe I should drink more."

Perhaps it was all that vodka in the air that led to him accidently outing Jennifer Lopez about her pregnancy: "At this moment Jennifer Lopez is requesting something very special because she is waiting for the baby. It is so complicated because every week she is getting bigger," he said.

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