Fashion world rocked by Galliano trial

Fashion world rocked by Galliano trial

The world of fashion came to a stand still yesterday as the disgraced former Dior designer, John Galliano went on trial in Paris following his anti-Semitic comments late last year.

As a result of his actions, Dior fired Galliano after 14 years of working for the company, producing some of the best, most exciting runways shows of a generation.

The British designer was caught on camera in a Paris cafe claiming to 'love Hitler'. He shocked the fashion world and the comments cost him his beloved job at one of the biggest fashion houses in the world.

Galliano arrived at court yesterday dressed reserved in black with a polka dot neckerchief, a pencil moustache and his long hair trailing down his back.

His expression was tired and remorseful having spent months away from the lime light, out of the public eye.

Galliano faces charges of 'public insults based on origin, religioius affiliation, race or ethnicity' with a potential €22,500 fine and six months in prison. Galliano is adamant his comments were hurtful and unintentional and were as a result of addictions he was battling with alcohol and prescription drugs (benzodiazepine and sleeping pills). He is 'seeking help' for his personal problems and reportedly spent two months in a rehab facility in the US.

The disgraced designer has also said that the death of his father contributed to his mental instabilities and addictions, repeatedly apologising for his comments.

At the time the comments were made Galliano released this statement: "Antisemitism and racism have no part in our society. I unreservedly apologise for my behaviour in causing any offence."

As a result of his actions, Dior fired Galliano after 14 years of working for the company, producing some of the best, most exciting runways shows of a generation.

The trial is believed to have ended yesterday and a verdict to be expected on 8 September.

FemaleFirst Jenna Fordie

twitter: @Jenna_FAM

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