Victoria Beckham

Victoria Beckham

Much as we love Victoria Beckham, we have to admit that her style crown has slipped a little bit recently.

Sure, she's still absolutely stunning, works all the major key trends and has a reported £1.5 million Hermes bag addiction, so what's not to love?!

Well, maybe it has something to do with the scary military styles she's so keen on sporting at the moment, which just robs her of all femininity and makes her look like Parker, the Thunderbirds puppet.

What's more, she's started wearing the same outfits again, without differing her original look, so in actual fact we're just getting deja vu when we see new pics of Posh now.

She was papped wearing the same Balmain leather jacket, stonewashed jeans, black Christian Louboutins and Loewe hat at Heathrow airport yesterday, as when she flew to New York just 11 days earlier.

Now, we hate to criticise Vic, honestly we do, but this is just so unlike her! This is the lady that has all the major fashion trends sussed a season in advance, and has the money to make any kind of style fantasy come true- so why recycle the same look?

Well, we have a few theories. Number one, she simply likes this look and that's all there is to it, although personally we prefer a much more feminine side of the star.

Number two, she was showing the world that she too is feeling the recession, and was simply recycling this look to make a point. We're not throwing much weight behind this theory however, thanks to the new bling Hermes that was hanging off her arm in the shot...

The third and final theory for Posh's fashion faux par is that she's running out of style steam. We know, we hate to admit it too, but look at the facts- since when does she ever wear the same outfit twice?

Well, recently quite a few times! It seems she's favouring looking like a military officer at the moment, as she wore the same grey coat and hat a few times last month, and now she's been spotted in this Balmain number twice.

We can fully understand why she wants to wear Balmain's must-have jacket this season, after all it is a stellar (and expensive) investment piece, but Posh, you could have chosen different jeans and ditched that dodgy hat!

After seeing her gorgeous sparkly leggings and messed-up new hair in New York last week, she was finally getting recognised for being sexy, thanks to her new Armani underwear pics coming to light.

Those who have thought her too skinny and not sexy clearly got a shock, as she unveiled her perfect bod to the world's media at Macy's, wearing the perfect outfit for the occasion.

That's the Victoria we like to see; smiley, fun and feminine. This new alien, military version she keeps rolling out has us asking the question: Is Posh running out of style steam? You decide...

FemaleFirst- Laura Terry

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