The onset of old age is one of the top reasons why people have cosmetic surgery. As facelifts and botox become increasingly popular Female First look at the alternatives to going under the knife.
Everyone wants to keep their youthful looks forever but gravity takes its toll on all of us in the end and that's why so many people opt for surgery to keep wrinkles at bay. However there are many products out there that claim to help us maintain young smooth skin without going near a knife.
The Cream
Anti-wrinkle creams have been around for years and most of them turn out to be nothing more than expensive an moisturiser with a fancy scientific name. However the last year has seen the launch of a few cream which has caused a stir amongst women all around the world.
Athena 7 Minute Lift, £50
Athena 7 Minute Lift made headlines when it landed in the UK from the states in November last year.
Hailed as a 'facelift in a jar' this £50 cream claimed to be the first cosmetics offering an injection-free and painless alternative to Botox.
It's creators told us it works by temporarily 'freezing' the skin and filling in fine lines and wrinkles in just 7 minutes. Although the cream lasts only 24 hours, daily use is claimed to permanently reduce signs of ageing.
When Boots No7 Protect and Perfect Anti Wrinkle Serum emerged as the top performer in an independent report into anti-wrinkle creams bottles disappeared from the shelves faster than you could say crows feet.
No.7 Protect and Perfect Beauty Serum, £25
Sales of the serum increased by 2000% in just a few weeks and women were fighting in the aisles to get their hands on it.
Now the hype has died down the serum is much easier to get hold of but is still selling well in stores.
The Tape
Who needs to have a facelift when you can fake one? There are various tapes on the market which can be used to temporarily pin back excess skin and tighten the skin on the face.
Andrea Instant Face Lift $6.95 (£3.49)
Tape has been used for years by celebrities and now it can be tried out by anyone in the comfort of their own home.
The tape consists of two strips of clear tape attached to a piece of elastic on both ends. This is placed on the face and gives the user a younger and more vibrant look instantly.
The effects obviously only last as long as the tape is worn but it's great for a big night out and you don't get left with any nasty scars.
The Oil
Emu oil was discovered by Aborigines many thousands of years ago and was used as a moisturiser and antiseptic but in recent years it has also become known for it's wrinkle-busting abilities.
According to research at Global Canyon Ranch (Texas) the human eye can not actually see wrinkles but it picks up the shadow created by the creases in the skin. The emu oil contains billions of "microscopic nanoprisms" that refract light and make wrinkles invisible.
This potentially means that as long as the oil is on the skin the wrinkle can not be seen. This theory has created Deception anti-wrinkle cream which is made from emu oil.
The Natural Way
There are also a number of homemade remedies that can prevent wrinkles using the natural qualities of everyday fruits and vegetables.
Castor oil - applying pure castor oil to the skin daily is a great way to get rid of wrinkles.
Grape juice - just cut a grape in half and rub it on wrinkles.After 20 minutes rinse with warm water.
Turmeric powder and sugarcane juice paste - mix a paste of turmeric powder and sugarcane juice and apply to wrinkles
Green pineapple and apple juice - apply green pineapple mixed with apple juice to wrinkles and leave for 10 to 15 minutes.
Caz Moss- Female First