Gok and his Gokettes lead the way to loving yourself naked

Gok and his Gokettes lead the way to loving yourself naked

Gok Wan and Daisy Lowe are the unlikely leaders of a revolution against size zero, whether they realise it or not.

Model-of-the-moment Daisy strutted her stuff at the fashion weeks with confidence, and has landed a number of lucrative modelling deals, including Diesel and Agent Provocateur, despite being a healthy size 10-12.

Now when you're forced to say, 'despite being a size 10' you know something is seriously wrong. Women used to aspire to be the perfect size 10, or a size 12 to ensure enviable curves.

Models have always come under fire for their weight, whether they are too skinny or not skinny enough, their weight became the focal point for the whole size zero debate, which earned its nickname only a few years ago.

Celebrities, similarly have found themselves scrutinised to the point where they are either a bag of bones, or they are labelled fat, because they don't have that apparently 'desirable' waif look about them.

One such celebrity is Lindsay Lohan, who was spotted looking worryingly thin at the VMA's last month, after regaining her curves when she completed her stint in rehab.

Lohan burst onto the celeb scene a fresh-faced youngster with curvy hips, a toned bum and most enviable of all, a bust to-die-for. Fast forward a few years and she was a seriously thin. Did she cave to the pressure of being a young actress in demand?

Her weight became so bad, that her fans flooded message boards urging her to eat something, which forced Lindsay to deny a eating disorder. Although she regained some weight initially, spiraling personal problems have clearly taken its toll and now she's back to her waif-like look again.

How we got to this point is a mystery. Endless surveys and studies have shown that men prefer women with curves, and yet still we diet to the point of obsession to look like someone else. Kelly Brook is one of the World's most beautiful women, as is Catherine Zeta-Jones and neither of these leading ladies are a size zero- far from it, they're curvy and proud.

But it seems that the times are changing, or rather we're going back to a more rational way of thinking. With role models like Gok and his Gokettes leading the way for the nation to accept and love their bodies, naked or otherwise- it seems we're finally starting to take the message on board.

Even the fashion World are starting to buck the trend for size zero models, with Karl Lagerfeld even turning models away from his show, and allegedly comparing them to people in the Third World with no food to eat.

Roland Mouret and Antonio Berardi have also often complained about finding models to fill their womanly clothes, even using tricks such as padding to make the models look more womanly and wholesome.

With all the signs indicating that size zero is rapidly falling out of favour, what do you think? Has size zero got out of hand? Do you support size zero or should we banish it forever?