We often neglect our feet at this time of year, as we all concentrate on the rest of our look for that special Christmas party, but that's no excuse for putting your manky feet on display.
Yellow toe nails, scabby soles and blistered heels are seriously unattractive when paired with a stunning party dress, expertly applied make-up and perfectly quaffed hair, so why not take some time to tend to your tootsies?
Now we don't mean splashing out on an expensive pedicure to fix your feet, but instead using some simple products at home to get your feet looking in tip top shape.
Firstly, soak your feet in a foot spa if you have one to hand, if not a bowl of hot water will do just fine. Add some soluble paracetamol to the water to ease hard skin on your feet, if you don't have a shop brand to banish tough skin.
Next, dry your feet with a soft towel and then give your feet a good scrub with a exfoliater file. These can be picked up pretty cheaply and are great for softening hard areas on your feet. Rub some exfoliating mixture into your feet and brush off with the foot file, taking care not to file too hard.
Then prepare your feet for some serious nail shaping, as this is where your feet can really let you down if they look misshapen. Take some nail clippers and trim each nail, making sure to keep your nails to at least 3mm long. Next, carefully buff and file the nail until it's a nice and square, making sure a clear white tip is visible.
A top tip to keep in mind for brightening your toes up is to squeeze a fresh lemon onto your nails, to treat discoloured areas. Make sure that you've got no cuts or blisters on your feet however, as the lemon juice will aggravate it.
Finally moisturise your feet with an intensive cream to keep your feet fresh, healthy and soft. We recommend one that will soften hard heels, and it's best to do it once you've stepped out of the shower.
All you have to do now is to find the perfect party shoes to show off your new sexy feet, good luck!