Are you going home to give yourself a pamper?

Are you going home to give yourself a pamper?

There's nothing quite like taking time out for yourself and pampering your beauty needs. It leaves you feeling refreshed and much better about the way you look.

New research has found that Monday evening is our favourite day for this too. 

Two thirds of women told skincare experts, Montagne Jeunesse, that they look forward to a Monday evening as it’s a chance to finally relax and focus on themselves following a busy weekend.

A shocking 73% of women revealed that weekends are actually stressful as the working week.

In addition almost half of women believe that Monday is the perfect day to start a new regime.

Heather Ansell, Montage Jeunesse skin care expert adds: “In addition to Monday’s being the ideal day to start something new, Monday is also the perfect day to rejuvenate skin as it allows a deep cleanse to wash away the impurities following the weekend and gives skin time to repair before the week ahead”. 

Montagne Jeunesse has launched ‘Monday’s For Me’ app, which was created to help women make the most of the precious time they have to focus on themselves, ‘Monday’s For Me’ is an exciting new Facebook app which offers women something inspiring to watch, learn or do every Monday as they wait for their weekly face mask to work its magic.

From the latest in fashion trends, beauty tutorials, unique recipes and craft hints and tips, each piece of content is either 10, 15 or 20 minutes in length, matching the time it takes for a Montagne Jeunesse face mask to develop.   

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