Georgia May Jagger

Georgia May Jagger

Georgia May Jagger, like many women out there, even suffered from bad beauty mistakes, and like a lot of women out there it used to be wearing too much make-up.

The gap-toothed beauty regrets caking on foundation when she was younger and saying looking back on old photos of herself is "terrifying".

Recalling her biggest fashion faux-pas, she told France's ELLE magazine: "Wearing too much foundation when I was younger. When I look back on photos, it's terrifying! And I was going the whole hog with black eyes and red lips - I've since learnt to be more subtle.

"I used to mix clashing prints all the time, like watermelons with leopard print. I'm still crazy about prints, but I wear them more reasonably now."

The 22-year-old model - who is the daughter of Sir Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall - admits she used to blow all her hard-earned cash on as many clothes as possible before realising she should be investing in qualities purchases.

Georgia said: "I used to be a shopaholic, but I'm being more careful now. I avoid buying online and try on a piece several times in store before purchasing it. It would be stupid to waste all the money I earn modelling on clothes!

"Otherwise I do what a lot of girls do, mixing statement pieces, basics and vintage clothes that I find wherever I'm working: LA, New York, Sydney, London. I follow trends, but not too literally, I don't want to get bored with what I buy after only six months."

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