Get Perfect Pins This Summer!

Get Perfect Pins This Summer!

As summer continues to approach at an alarming rate, we imagine your feeling a bit nauseous at the thought of baring your legs, for the first time this year.

Well, if you're anything like us, you'll start preparing now for the long summer ahead by primping, pampering and of course shaving your pins to perfection.

Now if you have neglected your legs all winter, which let's be honest most of us will have done, the first thing to do is to prep your legs to get rid of any ingrown hairs.

Exfoliate your legs a day or so before you de-fuzz them to stop hairs getting trapped under your skin, as the last thing you want it dimply skin this summer, especially with the mini-skirt making a comeback!

If you don't have any exfoliating body scrub lotion, rub rock salt onto your legs and then rinse off in the shower instead. Next, it's time to take your razor out of hibernation and begin the de-fuzzing process.

It really depends on how long you've let your hair grow, as to the amount of time or razors it takes, but once you've shaved it's time to oil up and pump some moisture back into your legs.

Dry your legs off with a towel taking care to pat them, rather than rubbing and apply some moisturising body oil to gloss up your legs. If you put too much on, them simply blot with a tissue as slimy pins is never a good look.

Now for the bit you've all been dreading, yep it's time to fake tan. While we all feel better with a bit of colour, our legs are notoriously the hardest part of the body to fake tan and more often than not end up streaky.

You should leave a day between shaving your legs before you tan, and use one that has a tint to it so you can see where you are applying it. Start from your ankles and work up your legs, using a mitt to blend in the colour and leave you with an even tan.

Finally, it's time to add some shimmer and sparkle to your legs so they stand out in the summer sun. You don't want to go overboard on the glitz though, so stick to applying it just to your lower legs with your favourite bronzer.

FemaleFirst- Laura Terry

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