Duchess Catherine has inspired our beauty regimes

Duchess Catherine has inspired our beauty regimes

Duchess Catherine has influenced our style choices plenty over the years and now it seems she’s affecting our beauty choices too.

New research has shown that 30% of British women have bought products to emulate Kate’s look.

Middleton was shown to have twice the influence on women’s spending habits than supermodel Kate Moss whom 15 per cent of Brits reported as their biggest makeup inspiration. The two Kates are joined in the top three beauty idol rankings by Victoria Beckham, her signature golden glow and glossy lips are copied by 12 per cent of British women.

Siobhan McDermott, general manager feelunique.com, who conducted the research, comments: “We have seen first-hand the ‘Kate Effect’ on sales of beauty products. For example, two years ago blonde shades were more than twice as popular as brown tones. Immediately after the Royal Wedding we experienced a surge in brown shades and in particular, Kate’s signature Natural Dark Brown colour. It’s now our most popular shade and contributes to brown colours consistently outselling blondes 2-to-1.”

The top ten celebrities that most influence the UK’s spend on beauty purchases are:

1. Kate Middleton - 30%

2. Kate Moss – 15%

3. Victoria Beckham – 12%

4. Cara Delevigne – 11%

5. Kim Kardashian – 10%

6. Jennifer Aniston – 8%

7. Angelina Jolie – 5 %

8. Olivia Palermo – 4%

9. Millie Mackintosh – 3%

10. Gwyneth Paltrow – 2%

Starlets from across the pond are having a significant effect on Brits’ makeup and beauty purchases, one in ten women in the UK revealed that reality star and Armenian beauty Kim Kardashian most influences their beauty buys.

She may have lost out in the battle for Brad but when it comes to battling for the position of beauty idol, but Jennifer Aniston has come out on top. Jen’s Californian girl next door-inspired beauty was cited more influential (eight per cent) by Brits than Angelina Jolie’s vampish look (six per cent).

New York socialite Olivia Palermo who is never seen without her pillar box red-coloured nails ranked eighth in the poll (four per cent). Olivia was closely followed by fellow reality star Millie Mackintosh whose dewy skin is emulated by three per cent of Brits. Made in Chelsea’s Millie’s look was proved to be more influential on Brits’ purchases that Oscar winner Gwyneth Paltrow who polled tenth (two per cent).

Newby Hands, editorial director feelunique.com comments: "Kate and Kate represent two sides of really modern women and between the two of them they cover all style and lifestyle tastes. Moss is more party and rock n’ roll, whilst Kate Middleton is more of a perfect wife and role model. Despite their differences they are both aspirational and fascinating. When feelunique.com ran an editorial piece on both Kates, it had a huge response and was one of our most popular pieces. What was interesting was it was very equal, almost head to head with Kate Middleton just tipping the balance on popularity.”

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