Anne Hathaway

Anne Hathaway

Anne Hathaway, Julia Roberts and Angelina Jolie all know that asparkling smile is the simplest way to make a great first impression, but so many of us still don’t make the most of nature’s greatest beauty tool.

Your smile is a genuine reflection of your deepest feelings; it costs nothing and enriches those you encounter, a smile conveys your self-esteem and exudes confidence to the world around you.

 Yet, according to a new survey by Align Technology, nearly half of us Brits (46%) are well and truly embarrassed about the state of our teeth.
 Having a smile to be proud of is really important - your smile is in fact one of the first things people notice when they meet you. Research shows that not only is a great smile the first thing a third of women notice in a potential love interest, but six in ten of us also agree that a winning smile makes you appear more confident - and thus far more attractive.

While many of us still long for a perfectly straight smile, we’re haunted with visions of the metal train tracks and hours in the dentist’s chair.  So what do we need to do to achieve perfectly straight pearly whites?

Help is at hand from Dental practitioner Dr Paul Humber and relationship psychologist Dr. Pam Spurr who offer some simple tips to making your teeth something to be proud of:

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