What are your worst beauty habits?

What are your worst beauty habits?

A woman’s love affair with make-up has its highs and lows like any relationship, but it seems that the hardest part is letting go when they’ve fallen out of love with their once favourite cosmetics; as a staggering quarter of women admit to keeping some make-up items for up to 10 years.

Along these same lines, a glossy 40% have admitted to not cleaning out their-make-up bags for over a year, with an additional one in 10 women being unable to recall the last time they ever gave their make-up bag a makeover.

Asda further reveals that while a blushing 80% of women wear make-up, two out of five have never cleaned their make up brushes. Havens for bacteria, the recommended guidelines suggest brushes should be washed a minimum of once a month, however a surprising two thirds of women still only clean them once every three.

Of those surveyed, almost half of women were not aware that mascara should be replaced every three to six months for hygiene reasons, along with eyeliner and powder.

Yet make-up undoubtedly remains a girl’s best friend the research further revealing that women on average have eight make-up products on the go at any one time. Lipstick is the most popular handbag staple with 71% admitting it’s never far away from their grasp, followed by mascara with a pumped up 39% of women stating this is always at their disposal for a quick volume boost.

The retailer revealed that the majority of women’s make-up bags contain at least five ‘high street’ items and two prestige brands.

Christina Dalton, beauty & toiletries expert at Asda, commented: “With so many women wearing make-up, it’s shocking how many gloss over the importance of keeping their make-up brushes clean. At Asda we understand every womans faithful relationship with her make-up bag and its contents and our new fun and bright collection allows them to treat themselves to new products on a regular basis.”

by for www.femalefirst.co.uk
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