Are you prepared for the warmer weather?

Are you prepared for the warmer weather?

With the weather set to reach the mid twenties over the next few days women would do well to start preparing their bodies for the big summer reveal. However new research reveals that British women are ‘binge groomers’ often leaving the house without shaving, brushing their teeth, using deodorant and even basic foot care when strapped for time.

However with the jet stream set to move up so will hemlines as the warmer weather can inspire a top to toe grooming approach as Brits’ fear revealing less than perfect body parts:

Top 5 parts of the body women avoid showing in the summer if less than perfect:

1. Stomach (48%)

3. Legs (28%)

2. Feet (26%)

4. Arms (20%)

5. Back (12%)

Psychologist Jo Hemmings comments: “Whether it’s the fear of publicly revealing your muffin top, cracked heels or a spotty back, the onset of summer tends to send people into a panic and inspire a ‘grooming binge’.

“This is because there are certain body parts such as the face, hands and feet that can ‘give the game away’ when it comes to a person’s personal beauty and grooming routine.

“The important thing to note is that having a ‘year round’ as opposed to a seasonal last minute approach to grooming ensures you look and feel great, and are ready to strut your stuff at a moment’s notice.”

Top 10 personal grooming activities British women neglect when time-strapped

1. Apply nail polish

2. Moisturise/exfoliate feet

3. Shape/thread eyebrows

4. Wax

5. Iron my clothes

6. Put make up on

7. Brush teeth

8. Use deodrant

9. Wash face

10. Brush or straighten hair

New research released from the ‘Scholl Britain on show report’ which coincides with the launch of the LOVE YOUR FEET campaign also reveals that feet are the least likely to be considered during winter weather – 57% of Brits only consider their feet in the summer. With more than 1 in 3 women saying that well cared for feet makes them feel confident Brits should start investing in top to toe grooming so they can look and feel great this summer and beyond.

The new data also reveals that 9 out of 10 women wouldn’t say their feet are in good condition. Laura Whitmore, of I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here...Now! fame, who is fronting the new SCHOLL LOVE YOUR FEET campaign comments: “Taking care of my feet is a grooming priority which is why I am supporting the SCHOLL LOVE YOUR FEET campaign.

“As a TV presenter I’ve found it’s important to always have great looking feet. I’m never sure when someone will zoom in on them or ask me to take my shoes off for a foot massage live on TV – it sounds strange but it’s happened to me before! I make sure my feet are always looking their best, even in winter, by regularly exfoliating and moisturising my feet daily as part of my beauty routine.”

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