Look great on the beach with these three offerings
With the sun shining and holiday period here too, thoughts are turning towards baring more and for some, beach body confidence is about minimising those wobbly bits.
We’ve asked our team of experts from the fields of aesthetics, professional skincare and natural beauty to give us their advice and top picks for smoother, firmer skin.
Cosmetic Advisor, Victoria Sinicki who runs Blossom Aesthetics, a chain of aesthetic clinics says:
“Some people may be more prone to gaining fat around their middles simply due to genetics or through hormonal changes. I see many clients who through exercise and diet just haven’t been able to shift stubborn areas of fat, particularly around the tummy. But today we’re fortunate to have non invasive procedures which can help eliminate these fatty areas, often in just a one hour treatment.
"The newest procedure I’m really excited about introducing to my clients is Cool Freeze. The effect is little short of spectacular with results showing just one hourly session can reduce the number of fat cells by 25/40 per cent. Cool Freeze uses advanced cooling technology to selectively target fat cells and eliminate them through a gradual process that does not harm the surrounding tissues. The treatment is proving very popular as it is permanent, non invasive, comfortable for the client with no down time required.”
Professional Skincare
Sarah Russell, Master Skincare Educator at [ comfort zone ] says:
“During the summer months demand for our cellulite body treatments increase substantially but when choosing a cellulite treatment product it’s not a case of one size fits all. It’s important to choose a product suited to the cellulite stage appropriate for your skin condition. What many people don’t realise is, there are different stages of cellulite and often the first stage is invisible to the naked eye. The different stages are: edematous, when you might have fatty skin but without any noticeable lumps; orange peel effect, when your skin resembles that of an orange skin; and adipose, the most serious form of cellulite when the skin can actually feel cold and bruised.
At [ comfort zone ] we offer products geared towards treating the different stages of cellulite and incorporating some of the most scientifically proven and effective anti-cellulite ingredients in the world with our cellulite busting body strategist range.”
Natural Beauty
Alexander Barani, Natural Beauty Expert ranked No 3 in the Who’s Who in Natural Beauty (Natural Beauty Yearbook 2013) says:
“Green tea extract is an incredible ingredient for summer beauty and wellbeing. While it does not raise the metabolic rate enough to produce immediate weight loss, because it contains caffeine and flavonoids it can help stimulate fat oxidation and boost the metabolic rate. In addition it is extremely soothing to the skin and can protect against UV radiation damage.
The Jason Family Natural Sunblock SPF 45 would be my top pick for summer. Not only does it contain green tea extract but also moisturizing Vitamin E and Shea Butter. It is water resistant and non-greasy to nurture skin and help protect the whole family from harmful free radicals and UV damage.”
Tagged in Beauty Tips