Make sure you have the best brows with these tips

Make sure you have the best brows with these tips

Eyebrows can make or break a look, when shaped properly, they can open and elevate a woman’s natural beauty, but when shaped improperly, the outcome is quite the opposite.

Well done eyebrows have the power to reshape your entire face. By hitting all the right notes, you will look pulled together, even with minimal make-up (or none at all).

Celebrity semi-permanent make-up expert and ‘Queen of Brows’ Tracie Giles offers her expert tips and tricks on how to avoid bad brows and rehab your brows back to life.

Eyebrows that are the wrong colour

Eyebrow Horror: Too light and they will be ‘washed out’ by the hair and not successfully frame the face whilst too dark and they will overpower the facial features.

Eyebrow Heaven: The brow colour should take into account both the hair colour and skin colour (in terms of whether it is warm or cool). Tracie Giles and her elite team take these into account and use a bespoke pigment blend to achieve the best colour that will suit you.

Eyebrows that are uneven

Eyebrow Horror: Although the saying goes that ‘eyebrows should be sisters, not twins’, there are a lot of brows out there that don’t even appear to be related at all.

Eyebrow Heaven: Brows should be measured against the inner most and outer most corners of the eye and made to look as symmetrical as possible.

Eyebrows that have been over plucked…

Eyebrow Horror: … Or have disappeared completely. Permanent make-up is the perfect solution for this.

Eyebrow Heaven: Brows should be measured against the inner most and outer most corners of the eye and made to look as symmetrical as possible.

Eyebrows those are too thin

Eyebrow Horror: These can be very aging as this is something that naturally happens as we get older.

Eyebrow Heaven: Avoid this by keeping as much of the natural brow as possible and shaping it to suit your face. Eyebrows that are slightly thicker with a beautiful shape will always look better than eyebrows that are too linear.

Eyebrows those are too thick

Eyebrow Horror: This can be too heavy on the eyes, and detract from the other facial features.

Eyebrow Heaven: While it is not advisable to take out too much hair, just as with brows that are too thin, it is the shape that can completely transform the brows rather than the thickness.

It should be taken into account that different eyebrows suit different people. Whilst younger ladies will be after something more glamorous, or be trying to improve a natural brow they are not happy with, mature ladies will be wanting brows that lift the eyes and give an anti-aging effect.

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