What's your Winter Skin Routine?

What's your Winter Skin Routine?

Moisturising: Though it may seem like the most obvious skincare advice, the importance of moisturising should never be overlooked. Given the difficulties our skin faces in the winter months, this is one of the easiest ways to keep hydration locked in the skin and allow it to effectively combat the cold. Research has proved that moisturising onto towel-dabbed skin after bathing or showering is more effective in locking in water to the skin than onto dry skin. If you're prone to dry or flaking skin, this may be a simple technique that may revitalise your skin.

Using an oil-based moisturiser is a top tip for creating a protective layer on the skin to retain moisture and being better absorbed than a waterbased lotion. With our skin having to deal with extremes from harsh cold fronts and frost to central heating and hot showers, oils and vitamins are lost from the skin and so need to be replenished daily to maintain a healthy appearance.

A mistake that many make with moisturisers is using one that is not compatible with their skin. If the lotion is not being absorbed properly, this will cause a build up of product and ultimately oily skin, leading to break outs of acne.

Sun damage is not exclusive to summer. Winter sun can be just as problematic for skin and so it is strongly recommended that any facial moisturiser you wear, contains an SPF to protect and repair the skin. Furthermore, when looking for facial moisturisers - mineral, avacado or almond oil-based products are especially good for keeping skin hydrated, youthful and dewy looking.

Vitamins: Not only is it important to eat sensibly and healthily throughout the year, but applying products rich in vitamins directly to the skin can be equally as good. Vitamin D and E are some of the best for promoting healthy skin. Vitamin A, E and C help to repair the skin, allowing it to heal quicker and can be found in oily fish, citrus fruits, liver, poultry and leafy vegitables.

Vitamin E is a great defence against the winter as it not only helps the skin deal with the winter elements but with premature aging. This is one for all ages wanting to prevent dull, pasty or sagging skin.

Exfoliating: Exfoliating is the most effective way to remove dry and dead skin from the body. To achieve the best results only do this once or twice a week, as over-exfoliating can lead to redness and irritation (particularly for sensative skin). Not only will it pick up the pigment of the skin, offering a better colour and glow, but makes moisturising more effective as it can be more easily absorbed throughout the layers of skin.

Either exfoliate in the shower or apply the product directly onto dry skin, depending on how rough or sensative your skin is.

Handy Hints:

Given the combination of the cold and central heating, skin can become dry very quickly. Using a cleanser on a daily basis as well as a good moisturiser can help lift residue from the skin and keep you freshfaced, avoid cracking and chapping. For best result cleanse both in the morning and evening, applying moisturiser afterwards.

Lips can be one of the most painful places to be exposed to dryness, cracking or chapping. Using a lip balm is a given, but rubbing a soft exfoliator or facial scrub over them before applying, not only removes dead skin, but much like the skin, allows the balm to be better absorbed into the lips. Do this whenever you feel them getting a little sore or cracked and you'll have perfectly soft and kissable lips for when the mistletoe season starts calling.

Though it may be incredibly tempting to hop into a hot shower or have a soak in a steaming bath when the winter comes knocking, this can be one of the biggest ways to drain our skin of the oils and vitamins it needs.

Sometimes our skin needs a boost at this time of year, and one of the best ways it can get this is with the help of a brightening lotion. Adding a natural glow and dewy look to the skin, this can avoid the pale and pasty complexion that can often hit us in the middle of winter with day after day of dull and dark days.

Keep your eyes peeled for future features on top a/w skincare products and super skin foods.

FemaleFirst Jenna Fordie twitter: @Jenna_FAM

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