Sienna Miller
Sienna Miller has the best smile while women would least like to have Jodie Marsh's teeth according to a new survey.
Women may be constantly bombarded with images of airbrushed A-listers but 94% would turn their backs on a dazzling Hollywood-white celebrity smile in favour of keeping their teeth looking natural and healthy.
Jodie Marshâs super-bright teeth topped the charts as the famous face with the least attractive smile. In contrast, English rose Sienna Miller was viewed as having the most perfect teeth. The research was carried out by Listerine.
The surprising results of a survey of hundreds of women showed that the majority of are put off by the prospect of cosmetic teeth whitening.
Whilst British women are happy to splurge on expensive spa treatments, make-up, hair appointments and gym memberships, it seems that oral health often comes low down the beauty checklist. Only 3% of respondents would prioritise forking out for professional teeth whitening over other beauty treatments, such as having a salon hair cut and colour; rated as the top beauty indulgence they were prepared to spend on; closely followed by buying premium face creams, and maintaining their waxing and hair removal regimes.
Over half (51%) of the women questioned were worried about the safety of professional teeth whitening procedures. The associated pain and potential side effects that might cause long-term damage to their teeth were major concerns. A third (32%) also voiced fears that they might end up with a âglow-in-the-darkâ smile.
Whilst women may not want artificially bright white teeth, preferring to maintain their natural tooth colour; 82% of women surveyed expressed concern that their eating habits could be in danger of staining their teeth. Amongst those polled, the greatest numbers were worried that their regular consumption of coffee, red wine and tea could be damaging the colour of their teeth.
The results show that 54% of British women would like to improve their smiles if there were a risk-free and inexpensive way of doing so. A staggering 85% were also unaware that there are affordable, safe, home solutions that could help them maintain the natural colour of their teeth.
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