

No matter how much effort you put into choosing that new outfit, applying the perfect tan and styling your new hair do- reaching for a drink with scruffy and worn looking hands will totally destroy your glamorous Christmas look.

Weak and chipped nails can make it hard to keep your hands looking pretty but a lot of people struggle to grow strong healthy nails. Usually poor nails are a result of something lacking in a person's diet so Female First looks at how you can get great looking fingertips without splashing out at the nail salon.

There are five key vitamins and minerals that help to make sure your nails grow strong, healthy and fast. By including these in your everyday diet you will soon have gorgeous hands that you will be dying to show off at the office party.

Vitamin A- is found in yellow and orange fruit and in dark green vegetables. Swapping your mid-morning biscuit for an orange or starting the day with some fresh pineapple will not only give your nails a boost but will also count towards your 5 a day. Spinach and broccoli are also fab for nails so why not stir some fresh stalks into your favourite pasta sauce for a tasty treat.

Vitamin C- is great for boosting the immune system but it's also brill for growing nails. We all know you get a Vit C kick from citrus fruits but that's not the only source. Peppers are full of it too. Chop up a pepper and take it to work for a healthy afternoon nibble.

Vitamin D- can be found in dairy products. A glass of milk a day can easily sort that one out. If you don't do dairy then don't worry Vit D is also found in soya milk and oily fish. Salmon, sardines and tuna are all rich in Vitamin D so combine with a nice creamy sauce for a double hit.

Vitamin E- is a little harder to find. It is found in hazel nuts, coconuts, peanuts and olive oil but only in very small amounts. Using olive oil rather than butter or vegetable oil is a healthy change to make anyway and will boost your Vit E intake too. The best way to make sure you're getting enough is to take supplements. They are available from most supermarkets these days.

Zinc - is also very important for growing healthy nails. This is found in rice, kidney beans, chicken and cheese. A vegetable chilli with lots of beans and tomatoes served with a healthy brow n rice is a fab way to up your intake of Zinc and give your nails a kick start.

Try this simple recipe for a nail boosting dinner:

Baby Spinach Salad with Sesame Dressing

200g fresh baby spinach, washed
80g red radishes, finely sliced
1 tbsp sliced pickled ginger
1 lime, quartered, to serve

For the sesame dressing
1 tbsp caster sugar
1 tbsp sesame seeds, toasted
3 tbsp tahini (sesame seed paste)
1 tbsp ginger juice (the liquid from a pack or jar of pickled ginger)
1 tbsp rice vinegar
1 tbsp toasted sesame oil
1 tsp light soy sauce

Make the dressing. In a small saucepan, heat the sugar with 2-3 tablespoons water over a low heat, until dissolved. Pour into a large bowl, add the remaining dressing ingredients and mix together well.
Add the spinach to the bowl and toss to coat in the dressing. Pile into 4 serving bowls and top with the finely sliced radish and pickled ginger. Squeeze over the lime wedges to serve.

Nutritional info Per serving: 149kcals, 12g fat (1.7g saturated

Serve the salad with a nice fillet of fresh salmon or tuna or some warm goats cheese for that Vitamin D kick. And follow with a citrus fruit salad if you really want to give your nails a kick start.

Tilly Harris- Female First