Jemma Kidd

Jemma Kidd

Female First got some top foundation tips from make up expert Jemma Kidd.


The secret to great foundation is all about the preparation. Your skin needs to be primed and ready to hold the foundation if you want it to look it's best and last as long as possible.

It's all about blending. Making sure you really push the foundation into the skin and blend gently”

“When you're applying foundation it's also important to make sure you're applying it to really good moisturised skin,” says Jemma.

“If you've got dry, flaky skin it's just going to attach itself to the flakes of the skin. Really really make sure the skin is hydrated but not too hydrated if you know what I mean. You don't want the make up to just sit on the surface of the skin. Make sure you moisturise well then wait a few minutes and let the moisturiser absorb.”

Moisturiser can add to the problems of oily skin and make it worse: “If you have really oily skin then I recommend you use a primer of some sort,” suggests Jemma.

“Primers really helps the foundation to hold onto oily skin. They are very matifying and absorb much quicker so I really recommend using one of them.”


“It's all about blending. Making sure you really push the foundation into the skin and blend gently,” says Jemma. She also recommends ditching those foundation brushes and using your finger tips. This allows you to push the make up further into the skin and makes blending more effective.

Clean Up
Once your satisfied that you face is totally covered and blended you need to clean up those problem areas which are prone to tell tale steaks and patches.

First lift your chin and check your jawline for a seam line where your make up meets your natural skin tone. Blend away any lines.

No one wants orange eyebrows so use a damp make up sponge to gently wipe away any excess from your brows.

Finally check your hairline and use the same method to clean up any excess there too.

Seal the Deal

Now all that's left to do is set your foundation securely in place with a spot of powder. Translucent powder is the best because it won't alter the colour of your make up. Use a large brush to dust the finishing touch over your flawless face.

Check out this video for an idiot proof step by step guide to applying foundation....

VideoJug: How To Apply Liquid Foundation

Tilly Harris- Female First