Festive Fabulous

Festive Fabulous

Christmas is meant to be about fun and frolics but all that hectic shopping, drunken partying and extra spending means it can also be the most stressful time of the year. Female First looks at how to survive the festive period without going totally insane.

The run up to Christmas is always total madness. Not only do you need to work out what to buy your awkward mother in law, stock up on food for the Christmas dinner and organise he office secret Santa but you've also got to squeeze in the time to buy a new party dress. No wonder us girls get stressed!

On top of that we've also got the hassle of making a month's wage stretch a million miles further to avoid everything without leaving us totally broke for the slow crawl into January. And don't get us started on the inevitable family rows and toddler temper tantrums. Don't worry Female First is here to help.

Over the next week we will guide you through the Christmas madness and show you how to cope when things get a little too much. The most important thing to remember when the pressure starts getting to you is.......

It's all over by Boxing Day!!

First up in our Healthy Mind week is.....

Don't Be A Drunken Turkey This Christmas

Avoid a New Year Debt Hangover

How to Survive Family Rows

Tilly Harris- Female First