Now the sun's gone into hibernation and the cold nights are drawing in many of us don't see the point in taking care of our bikini line but in fact it's essential to keep on top of things if you want to feel confident and sexy throughout Christmas. Female First look at the best ways to tame 'the hair down there'.


Pros It's easy, quick and-unless you slip- relatively pain free. As long as you use a new razor, loads of shaving foam or gel and keep rinsing the razor as you go then you should avoid any nasty cuts. Shaving also lets you keep a close eye on how much hair you are removing- you can even shave some cute shapes and patterns to suprise your partner once you get the hang of it.

Cons Hair grows back fairly quickly as it only cuts off the hairs that are growing above the skin. So you need to shave every other day if you want to keep that silky smooth feeling.

Tips Use conditioner on the hairs to make them easier to remove. Be careful that you just apply a regular conditioner to the hairs and avoid contact with intimate areas as this can cause chemical imbalances that can lead to infections.
You may find that the area goes a bit itchy and red as the hairs start to grow back but this is just because you skin isn't used to being shaved. After a few sessions skin will toughen up and redness will be reduced.


ProsThe results from waxing last the longest and the hairs are removed from the root so the bikini line is nice and smooth and appears as though no hairs were ever there.

ConsIt can be a little tricky and messy to do you own waxing. It's probably best to go to a beauty salon for the first few sessions at least. The experts can get at all the right angles and they know how to do it fast enough to cause the least amount of pain.
Waxing can also cause ingrown hairs. You need to exfoliate regularly to prevent those angry little red spots popping up.

Tips The pain of waxing is significantly reduces if you relax- easier said than done- but if you take some nice deep breaths and imagine your on an exotic beach somewhere you will hardly notice the ripping sensation.
Soothing after cream is a must after any waxing session. It helps your skin retain it's pH balance and takes away some of the nasty sting.

Brazillian Wax

ProsThis is a more thorough version of simple waxing which removes hair not only from the bikini line, but also tackles the inner thighs, buttocks (yes, most women have some hair there) and sometimes the entire pubic region- leaving you as hair-free as the day you were born.

Cons It can be a little more pricey that a normal wax and is definitely more embarrassing if you're a first timer. The beautician will have you in all kinds of strange positions- legs in the air, on all fours etc- so it's important that you go to someone you can trust.

Tips Apply plenty of moisturiser or cooling Aloe Vera gel after such an intense waxing session. This will cool the skin and reduce redness. It has been said that the silky smooth finish of a Brazilian wax can lead to better sex and increased libido.

Depilatory Creams

ProsThey are fairly fool proof and completely pain free. There are loads of different creams available including ones you can even leave on in the shower then rinse off when you're done. There is no cutting or ripping of hair involved so there's very little chance of an accident.

Cons They can b quite messy. Although there are new products out there that reduce the mess but there is still a certain amount of waiting around with cream covered bits involved.
And there's also the smell. That unmistakable hair removal smell can linger on the skin for a few days. The chemicals in the cream that 'burn off' the hairs can also cause irritation in some people. Tips Remove the cream with a damp cloth rather than just rinsing. This makes sure those few stubborn hairs that may be hanging on are fully removed. Never exceed the waiting time instructed by the makers. This will only lead to irritation.

Tilly Harris- Female First