Our obsession with calorie counting as well strive to achieve the perfect body could result in us Brit's becoming undernourished.

Research by natural health company, BetterYou found that in our quest to diet 35% of us are depriving our bodies of the essential nutrients we need to function properly. Only 19% admit to eating fruit and vegetables regularly.

Excuses for forgetting the Five A Day rule include not been able to afford them, not liking fruit and vegetables, or been too busy to eat them.

It seems that even including the recommended five portions of fruit and vegetables in diets isn't really enough. Leading nutritionist, Dale Pinnock explains: "The current Five a Day recommendations are based on standard RDA guidelines written 40 years ago, when the soil was richer in vitamins and minerals. Now, because of intensive farming methods and increased pollution, fresh fruit and vegetables don’t contain nearly enough nutrients. We need to up our intake drastically which is why natural supplementation is becoming much more important."

Andrew Thomas, founder of BetterYou added: "Our survey gives a really good insight into Brits’ general ignorance towards maintaining their general health and wellbeing. It seems we have become so obsessed with faddy diets and counting the calories we have forgotten how to properly nourish our bodies."