Keep upp your skincare routine on a budget

Keep upp your skincare routine on a budget

Keeping up your skin routine can be getting harder during the credit crunch as many of us depend on pricey lotions and potions but there are a few cheaper ways to ensure you have radiant skin all year long.

Jane Lewis, sk:n's dermatological experts has provided these tips for looking after your skin in these times of financial desperation!

Water is free and luckily, drinking plenty of the clear stuff can flush toxins out of your body keeping your skin looking fresh. It is recommended that you drink 2 litres of water a day. Expect a couple of spots at first as the toxins are flushed out but after that you'll have skin like a baby.

You can save cash on your anti-ageing skincare products by using it very sparingly. You usually need less of this than you think so using small amounts means that you won't need to buy as much.

Always seek free skincare advice before buying products. It only takes a few minutes and will stop you wasting money on products that are not right for you.

If you fancy a face mask but are a bit short on the pennies, make your own. Combine calomine lotion, a few drops of essential oil and lemon zest to form a paste which will purify and hydrate skin.

To keep your skin in good condition take an essential fatty acid fush oil supplement. They only cost a few ponds and will keep your skin feeling soft and supple.

So there you have proof that you can keep up your skincare regime on a budget. Now there's no excuse not to look your best!

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