Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz has been spotted heading to a hair salon in LA, carrying a picture of British fashion icon Kate Moss.

Well, they do that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and when one of the world's most beautiful women wants to look like you, we imagine that Kate is feeling pretty smug right now.

According to the Daily Mail, Cameron arrived for her appointment picture in hand and proceeded to talk the stylist through what she wanted.

An eyewitness said: "Cameron is obviously a fan of Kate’s hair do. She took the photograph with her and showed the stylist exactly what she wanted." reports the Daily Mail.

While the Charlie's Angels star spent three hours chatting on her mobile and having her locks tended to, Black Eyed Peas star, Fergie was also spotted having her hair dyed in the next chair.

The salon is famous for its celebrity clientele and exclusive stylists, but we just have one do we get an appointment there?!

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