Put your tweezers a way for now ladies, as big, Jennifer Connolly style eyebrows are back.
Catwalks have been full of eighties style brows and as it's an easier style to manage than thin arched brows we'll be embracing bushy brows while we can.
Thick eyebrows help frame the face and draw attention to the eyes in a much easier way than make up. They keep a face looking healthy and younger and a big brow looks a lot better than pinched red spots where you've plucked too hard.
It is all about getting a good balance, too thick can look just as bad as too thin. Go for a style like Heroes star Hayden Panettiere.
Eyebrows follow a six week growth cycle but it can take a bit longer to achieve full growth. However if you lay off the tweezing starting now they should be just the right shape in time for the new years eve party and you're new look will take you well into Spring.
Don't take it too far though, you don't want Noel Gallagher style caterpillars perching above your eyes. You want your brows thick but still tidy.