Beauty Trial

Beauty Trial

The nasty cold weather and harsh winter winds are a nightmare for your skin so it's essential to take extra care to protect dry and sensitve areas so Female First have 500 free trials of Eucerin skin relief products for you to try.

Eucerin is a range of creams and lotions specially designed to protect dry skin and can even provide relief for those who suffer from eczema.

We want you to review this range for us. If you're up for the challenge just send us your details and we'll send you a free sample pack of the Eucerin range. Then once you've tried and tested the lotions as much as you desire then head over to our beauty forum and let us know what you think.

To become a Female First beauty tester just fill in the form below and let us know where your problem skin area is i.e face, hands, feet.

When you've tried the samples let us know what you think here