Gladiator Amazon

Gladiator Amazon

We're all suffering the pinch at the moment but just because our bank balance is looking bad doesn't mean we have to neglect our beauty regimes.

Gladiator Amazon has let us in on her secrets for looking and feeling great at a small price. Simple techniques like making your own beauty products means you can still treat yourself without splashing out.

Amazon said: "I'm just a beginner in this area but I've become addicted to home made face masks. My favourite is a really simple cucumber number that really soothes and calms the skin after a hard day. It’s really easy to do as you simply mix half a cucumber and half a banana into a blender, then drop in a tablespoon of honey and half a cup of lemon juice. I spread it over my face, and just sit back for 20 minutes to half an hour. It’s quite tempting to want to eat it afterwards!"

"It’s great fun looking up something new, buying the ingredients and having a good old experiment."

Amazon added that the masks are just as good as those in the shops, she said: "I love the face masks I make as they feel really natural on my skin."

Amazon also gave us some tips for keeping fit on the cheap. She said: "There is loads you can do without joining a gym and paying expensive fees and the weather's getting better now which creates a great opportunity for getting fit outdoors. Obviously it depends on your lifestyle and fitness aims, but some suggestions would be jogging and taking advantage of the tennis courts and basketball courts in local parks, this can be great fun with friends or family. It’s also good to give yourself something to aim for, such as running a half marathon. I'll be running the Great North Run in September to raise money for the Blood Donation service.

It really is the simple things that make a difference too. The Gladiator explained: "Everyday changes like walking or cycling instead of driving and opting for the stairs instead of the lift are also excellent ways to increase fitness and have the added incentive of being environmentally friendly. Other green activities that will help fitness include working on an allotment or doing just a little light gardening at home. The veggies you grow will be great for your health too."

We don't know about the running but we're certainly going to try the face mask, we're all for a bit of pampering on the cheap!

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