Fake Bake Mousse Self Tan

Fake Bake Mousse Self Tan

With the British weather being quite a disappointment this summer, it’s meant that hundreds of us are turning to fake tan to get that Hollywood glow.

We’ve picked two best sellers, one cheaper and one of the more expensive brands, to test and give you an honest verdict!

Save: Natio Self Tan Lotion

This is certainly for the more experienced fake tanners out there. It’s a clear lotion that develops over three hours so when you apply it, you have no idea what it’s going to look like until it’s developed. What I did like about this product was the smell, it doesn’t have that fake tan smell that’s a nightmare to try and mask. It’s sweet and delicious smell made it a joy to apply. The cons for me were that it wasn’t instant, so it was quite a surprise when I woke up the next morning. It also took forever to dry, leaving me standing in the middle of my bathroom trying not to touch anything. This fake tan is good if you have lots of time on your hands to do it properly, and if you’re looking for something that you can just apply one time and don’t have to build on. It’s quite dark with one coat so once it’s done, it’s done. You can get your Natio Self Tan Lotion for £10.40.

Splurge: Fake Bake Mousse Instant Self Tan

I have to say, I was really impressed with this product. With it being a mousse, it didn’t drip all over my bathroom and was really easy to apply. It kept to its promise of giving you a streak free tan and gave a lovely even glow. I really liked this product because it wasn’t horrendously dark, like I had expected it to be. It gave a nice golden look, and if you had wanted something a little darker, you can apply more after it’s dried to build up the tan. It gained bonus points for being instant as I could see exactly what I was applying and where. The cons of this were that it’s carrying that fake tan smell, something that I can’t get rid of no matter how hard I try. I would certainly buy this again, and at £30, it shows that you really get what you pay for.


Cara Mason @FemaleFirst_UK

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