Jeans? What are jeans, you say? Well, they're the things you wore before you were forced to stay home for months on end. The precursors to your sweatpants and one of the many items of clothing you'll struggle to get back into. Remember them?Even if you've somehow miraculously managed not to put on a stone and a half over the course of this pandemic, the idea of squeezing into something with much less stretch than pyjamas is off-putting to say the least.

Sales of denim predictably dropped in 2020 on a massive scale thanks to an international desire for loungewear - and the fact that we couldn't go to the store to try on jeans. The truth is, sweatpants are far more forgiving for the old pandemic-paunch than our denim staples.
Skinny fit has been the top-selling style of jeans for years, but it's about time we broadened our horizons. Bootcut and flaired styles are more flattering for all figures, while baggier fits hide a multitude of sins and add a youthful, casual touch to your look. High rise mom jeans, meanwhile, are practical and easier to buy online. Read more about the five styles of jeans you need here.
Puff sleeves
The feeling of nostalgia has never been higher as we've spent months reflecting on a happier time where we could go clubbing, watch live music and eat inside a restaurant. It's understandable that we'd want to mirror our wardrobes to match those better days.

But it seems the longer the pandemic has gone on, the further back in the past we've been pondering, and now we're itching to wear the sort of girly styles usually reserved for little girls.
Puff sleeves are one such trend that we've jumped on. Not only are they extremely flattering for those who are self-conscious about their upper arms, but they also add an effortless creative flair to any look. Whether you opt for a long puff sleeve, a three-quarter-length sleeve, a short puff sleeve or a bardot style puff sleeve, you'll be sure to stand out. Plus, few things are more Summery and now is the time to really make the most of the coming months.
Faux hawks
For anyone who wants to look cool without the commitment of a hard-to-grow-out cut, the faux hawk is the ultimate hairstyle. And anyone can pull it off.

In case you couldn't work it out, a faux hawk is either a method of pulling all your long hair into an up-do that resembles a Mohawk (while keeping the sides as flat as possible or plaited), or it's a more dramatic cut where the sides are shaved but the top is left loose rather than spiked up.
If you opt for the less permanent option, there are a multitude of ways to achieve it depending on the length of your hair, while actually getting the chop looks amazing on both men and women. Whether your hair is textured or poker-straight, there's a faux hawk for you, and they don't always have to be too difficult to maintain either.
We don't care who Crocs collaborate with - Palace, Post Malone, Justin Bieber, Balenciaga or Christopher Kane - this ugly footwear will NEVER be okay.
Victoria Beckham confessed earlier this year that she'd "rather die" than wear Crocs after Justin Bieber rather brazenly sent her a pair in lilac, and we have to say we are totally on her side. As comfortable as they may be (we don't care to find out), there is no way Crocs can ever be cool - we'd sooner wear a pair of Ugg Yeah Slides.
We understand how they've found themselves back on trend; it's all the sitting around at home which has led some people to believe that Crocs are acceptable. But just like those threadbare, pizza-stained, grey sweats, it's time to put them in the bin.
Lockdown is over now, so it's time to put away the loungewear that has seen more of the outside world than you ever originally intended, and get out the nice going-out-out clothes that used to make you feel a million dollars.

It's been nice wearing comfy clothes for months, and I'll bet you've almost forgotten why you ever wore anything so uncomfortable as jeans, blouses, heels and tight-fitting jackets. Well, we're here to remind you. If taking pride in your appearance has been on the back-burner for the past year, you're forgiven. We've all have bigger things to worry about. But now is the time we got back to normal and start to wear the clothes that make us feel amazing - if a little uncomfortable.
Comfort isn't everything after all - and we're willing to bet that the neglected party outfits and business chic looks in your wardrobe will give you a boost of much-needed motivation to get your life back to normal.
Just stop. Now. Unless you're at the two extreme ends of the choker spectrum (that is, a 13-year-old girl or a member of the fetish community), this '90s fixture has really lost its effect. It worked for a few years, but according to the "20 Year Rule", the early-2000s is now the fashion inspiration of the moment.

Instead of that over-used tattoo choker, opt for a high-hanging chain the likes of which used to dangle from skaters' jeans back in the day. Also, delicate gold chains with sunflower or daisy embellishments are very much the Spring/Summer accessory must-haves right now.