Minimalism is huge right now and I, like many others have been captivated by the content on YouTube about this very topic. If you’re new to living simply or want to find more people who are posting about this every day- here are our top picks:

We just adore the following YouTubers

We just adore the following YouTubers

Muchelle B

Muchelle B posts about self-discovery, minimalism, productivity, organisation and launched the 30 Simplify your life challenge to help you pare down your items and live a more meaningful life. She is hugely inspirational on how to live a good, happy and fulfilling life.

Joshua Becker

Joshua Becker started the blog which got huge traction after he started documenting his family’s journey into owning less. He is the author of The Minimalist Home, Clutterfree with Kids and The More of Less- which I can highly recommend if you are curious about minimalism or simply enjoy reading about the topic like I do. He inspires others through his videos and his books to pursue their greatest passions while owning fewer things.

Madeleine Olivia

Madeleine Olivia talks about anything from veganism to natural beauty as well as minimalism. She has a number of ‘tips’ videos on her channel offering advice on where to start when it comes to decluttering. I also enjoy her ‘in the middle of the action’ videos of her cleaning out her own space so you can journey through the process with her.

A Small Wardrobe

As the name suggests, this YouTuber walks you through how to reduce your items to have a small capsule wardrobe, offers tips on how to create one for yourself and how to manage it. She also talks extensively about her own minimalist lifestyle and how you can adopt the same approach to your home. If you love cats, you will get on well with this lady!

Meghan Livingstone

Meghan is a Certified Holistic Nutritionist blogger- so she regularly talks about health and natural, simple ways to achieve it. She is also an advocate for minimalism and offers tips and tricks for living simply and how to declutter your home. Her videos are clear and concise which reflect her lifestyle beautifully.

The Minimalists

Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus have helped more than 20 million people live meaningful lives with less through their books, website, podcasts and films. If you haven’t already, I would strongly urge you to read their books Minimalism: Live a Meaningful Life and Everything that Remains: A Memoir by the Minimalists- they will change your outlook forever.

Melissa Maker @cleanmyspace

Maker talks a lot about cleaning- as the name of her channel would imply- but she also does an addictive series called ‘10 Things to Toss’ where she goes through every room in your home and suggests things you can get rid of. You can’t watch one of these videos without heading to the relevant room afterwards and giving it a good sort!

Pick Up Limes 

On the Pick Up Limes channel Sadia talks about food, travelling and of course- minimalism. She encourages you to get inspired or find a calm and relaxing space with her collection of videos that help you to feed your soul.

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