If you've got sauces all over the kitchen, can't find the vinegar, have four open ketchup bottles, and eight-year-old five spice, it's time to get that kitchen cupboard under control.

Home and Garden on Female First

Home and Garden on Female First

If you follow these tips from Oriental superstore Wing Yip, you’ll never have to hunt for a tin again.

  • Dump the clutter! Be brutal!
  • Do you really need that melon baller you bought in 2005? Is there ever going to be an occasion where you need three cheese graters?
  • Donate duplicates or impulse buys to family, friends or charity and relish your extra square inches! 
  • Check the sell by dates on your supplies at least once a month. You could do this while you’re waiting for the kettle to boil or your rice to cook to make the task less arduous.
  • Store things you use every day on easy to reach lower shelves.
  • For storage feng shui is essential.
  • Group items by type, and for each type to have its own space in your cupboard. Try out these groups.

-Spices and seasoning

-Dressings, oils, condiments

-Cereals, pasta, rice

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