Today is National Making Life Beautiful Day and one lifestyle that makes you see the true beauty in things is minimalism- here’s why…

You see the world through a new lens

You see the world through a new lens

Minimalism helps you to see the beauty in all the things that are left: Whatever you decide to keep in your home looks even more beautiful than it did before. It stands out for you to enjoy every day. It is no longer disguised by lots of other things or hidden away in a box. Every item now has a place and a presence in your home.

Minimalism helps you see beauty in your relationships: Once you stop looking at shopping apps and spending your time looking for the next best thing- it gives you time to invest in your meaningful relationships that you may have neglected before because of the pursuit of stuff.

Minimalism helps you to see the beauty in your home: Your home is no longer a thing you dread coming back to or stress about having to declutter once a year. It’s beautiful because the walls, the floors, the ceilings and the space are all exposed to enjoy and use. It is no longer dressed in layers of things. Its beauty lies in the protection and safety it brings you and your family and the feeling it gives you when you enter it.

Minimalism helps you to see beauty in nature: Once you are no longer preoccupied with looking at your screen on your phone while you walk down the street- you start to notice the beauty that lies all around you. The lush green trees, the bright flowers, the blue sky, the warm sunlight, the smell of fresh air. It’s like you are seeing the world through a new lens.

Minimalism helps you to see the beauty in others: When you no longer see others as shopping partners, your competition or accomplices for getting new stuff- you see them for who they really are. They are no longer defined by their things but everything that lies beneath.

Minimalism helps you to see the beauty in experience: Once you start to channel your resources into living for the moment rather than accumulating items- you wonder what you were doing all this time prioritising belongings over making memories with those you care about most.

Minimalism helps you to see the beauty in yourself: When you want more than you currently have, you never feel good enough. With every new product on the market, is a promise that you will look or feel better about yourself. When you don’t pay attention to these influences anymore, you can stop and realise that you are enough- just you- on your own- without the designer labels, the latest trends, and the ‘must have’ items.

MORE: Minimalism: seven things to declutter that aren't things 

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