Minimalism has the power to teach us many things if we allow it to, here are just a few lessons we can learn from this unique lifestyle.




When you pare down your items to only the things that really matter, you appreciate those pieces much more because they stand out in your home. When you need to buy something- you value it with more intensity because spending is less of a habit and more of a necessity.


The act of sorting out your home and giving your belongings away to a charity means you are helping others two-fold. You are raising money for a good cause, but you are also gifting joy to someone else’s life who will treasure the time you are letting go of.


Once your home is no longer a visual assault, you can focus more inwardly and begin to declutter your mind and rid yourself of negative thoughts, feelings and memories that you’ve been holding onto just like your things. And now you’re an expert at letting go this a much easier process.


You become more satisfied with less. No longer do you have to buy things to give you a boost, you can see the things around you that can do this at no cost. There is a wealth of people, activities and hobbies that will fill your heart to the brim if you know where to look.


Once you’ve reached the point where your home is only filled with things you love and things you use, there is a sense of tranquillity that comes with this moment. From now on you only have to take small steps to maintain your space and it feels like a huge weight has been lifted.


Minimalism gives you the freedom to pursue the things that light you up. When you aren’t preoccupied with shopping, cleaning, reallocating, donating and moving stuff- there is more time to go out and tick off your bucket list.


Minimalism isn’t a prescription for happiness- some minimalists may not have reached that point yet. But happiness comes from within- not from material possessions so even if it’s not an instant fix, it’s putting you on the right path to feeling more positive about your life.