If you have more paper than you can shake a stick at- it might be time to get organised. If you find paper a difficult category to declutter- here are some things you can make a start with that require little thought and no emotional attachment.

Don't let your paper weigh you down

Don't let your paper weigh you down


If you have a pile of magazines that you have promised you will read- lets face it- you probably won’t. If you were that keen to find out what was inside, you would have read it by now. Chuck them in the recycling and have a one in one out rule- where you have to read the magazine you already have and recycle it before you buy another.


Same rule applies as above. If you have a pile of newspapers you haven’t got around to yet- chances are the information is outdated anyway so you will be reading articles that are no longer relevant.


Every take away has their menu online now- there is no point in having a paper copy when you can bring it up on your phone. Better yet- order less take out- it will do your bank account and your waistline the world of good.

Leaflets and pamphlets

They only encourage you to pile them up and never look at them or spend money on something they are advertising. Do yourself a favour- ss soon as they come through the door- put them straight in the recycling and you won’t be sucked in by an impulse buy. Or get a sign for your letterbox that says ‘no junk mail’.


You can get manuals online now so if you have to reference how something works, how to dismantle something or what to do if an item breaks- the information is all on Google.

Bank statements

You can see all your income and outgoings on your online banking, so this is all the more reason to go paperless and shred your accumulated statements.


Take pictures of the ones you think you might need and shred the rest. They may be small but in vast quantities they can take up huge amounts of unnecessary space.

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