There is something lovely about this time of year. I find Autumn the season of putting the garden to bed and looking forward to cutting flowers for 2022. There is nothing better than browsing those seed and bulb catalogues -I never tire of this.
At Field Gate we are busy not only in the garden but in preparing our cut flower membership that we launch on 1st November and also working on content for the 2022 Seed to Vase Course.

Get ahead with Autumn annual seed sowing
The soil is still warm and there is plenty of time for this to get ahead. If you would like a PDF on this visit www.fieldgateflowers.kartra.com/page/Sowinginautumn1 to download.
Continue to water pots
We don’t seem to be having much rain and I am guilty of this one. As well as an immediate benefit, feeding and watering pots around this time will mean you can enjoy extended flowering well into the autumn.
"A good soak, at least once a week, is better than a dribble every day."
Tidy up perennials
Tidying up perennials — Please don’t go to mad. These make lovely homes for our insects and birds love to feed on them. There is time in the Spring to do this. If you don’t want things to reseed it is worth cutting back.

Weeding now will pay dividends. It's one of the easier, more soothing jobs in a garden, just make sure you aim to pull out each weed from the root. Alternatively think about the no dig method for weeds in your garden – worth looking at this in the Autumn. I love nothing more than listening to a podcast and weeding. I know…….
Deadhead roses
Deadheading roses will encourage continuing bloom, and mean you can enjoy a second flush of colour in your garden, as summer flowers begin to die.
Order bulbs
Order your bulbs to plant in the autumn, often bulbs sell out ahead of season so it's worth stocking up now. Tulips need planting out in November. If you would like our bulbs visit www.fieldgateflowers.kartra.com/page/autumnbulbs to download.
If you don’t have a pond it’s an idea time to put one in
We have put ours in this month to encourage nature. I do find it restful to sit and look at the dragonflies and the birds. I would recommend Kate Bradbury’s book – How to create a wildlife pond.
Looking for more inspiration do join our Free Facebook Group. It’s a community of over 7000 members – all interested in cut flower growing. Visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/768190817371225
Tagged in Garden