If you’re looking to adopt small habits each day to keep up with your minimalist lifestyle and to live more simply, here are a few suggestions to avoid unnecessarily overcomplicating your life. 

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Create a cleaning rota: Adopt a cleaning rota for your home so you’re not doing all of your cleaning in one big chunk. This could take up a whole day of your week if you do it like this and who wants that? Tackle one room a day so you can do it thoroughly and this may only take you half an hour then you can get on doing the things you really enjoy.

Tidy up your home at the end of the day: It may be the last thing you want to do before you go to bed, but there is nothing more disheartening than coming down to a dirty kitchen or a messy living area in the morning because you didn’t do a quick sweep at the end of the previous day. Load and set away the dishwasher, wipe down your counters, fluff cushions, put away you throw blankets and pop any toys back in their home. You will start the next day in a much better mindset if you do yourself this favour the night before.  

Keep a donation box: Have an ongoing donation box in one central place or in each room of the house if you feel it needs it. This method prevents you from having to do a large declutter every spring and once the box is full you can donate the items and begin the process again. Think about how long it took you to do a whole house declutter or even just a room last time- you probably don’t want to put yourself through all that again. 

Address things as they happen: If someone spills something- wipe it up, open your post and discard the envelopes and packaging right away and file any paperwork immediately so it doesn’t pile up. Put away items after you’ve used them rather than leaving them on the side. Hang up coats and put away shoes as you enter your home instead of dumping them somewhere for later. All of these tasks take mere seconds to do as and when they occur, but leave them all for one point in the day and you will kick yourself for not having done them as they happened. 

Go paperless: This won’t happen overnight as you have to approach each place to turn off your paper post, however eventually, this will significantly reduce the amount of paper entering your home and you will have fewer things to file when they do. At which point you will know that they are important if the company has sent you a paper copy.

Adopt a little and often approach: Doing small tasks regularly throughout the day will help you to keep your life simple and your home inviting. Think about the last big task you had to do because you let things build up- it didn’t feel good did it? You probably dreaded it so much you put it off until it had to be dealt with. Imagine a life where you don’t have to worry about doing big jobs in your home whether that’s filing, shredding, organizing, decluttering, tidying, cleaning etc. You will feel much happier in your space because it demands so much less from you. 

Reduce your social media usage: Social media can take up a lot of your day and the content on it can surely complicate your life while you’re awake. It invites drama into your world if you see something on Facebook that stirs something up inside you, it can take you down the rabbit hole of finding out more information on a topic because what you’ve read wasn’t informative enough and it can distract your mind with thoughts that would never have entered your head if you hadn’t looked at your feed. Try to minimise the amount of social media you consume each day (or quit it altogether and see how you react). You might just find that for those seven days or a month (however long you choose) you have never felt more focused on what you truly want to do whether that’s writing a book, reading, crafting or exercising.

RELATED: Minimalism: Seven things you shouldn’t tolerate as a minimalist

There are some things in life that are totally unreasonable when you follow this lifestyle- and whether these comments, events or opinions come from people you know or society at large, here are just a few things you shouldn’t have to waste time or worries on when you live more minimally. We also offer solutions to each of the problems you might face if you can relate to any of them at present... to read more click HERE 

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