Mental clutter is something we don’t often think about when decluttering the rest of our lives but it can be just as detrimental as physical clutter. If you are struggling to let go of stubborn thoughts, here's how you can pave the way for a clearer mind.
No digital devices before bed: Even if you watch something you enjoy on your tablet, TV or phone right before bed, the memories of it still linger once you turn out the lights. It may trigger fond memories of other things you like to do, which is positive, yet distracting when you are trying to get some rest. Even reading can activate your imagination to such an extent that you are left with ideas swirling around in your mind. Before bed, allow yourself some time to try and give your mind a rest by focusing on your breathing and the blackness all around you as you close your eyes.
Journaling: If you have a lot of mental clutter that won’t go away, one of the best ways to free yourself of it is to write it all down- your worries, your negative thoughts, your wasted emotions and then ball up the paper and throw it away. No one has to see it and you don’t have to read it back, but get it down on paper and see this is a mental release.
Talking to someone you trust: Think back to all the meaningful conversations you’ve had- how much better do you feel afterwards? It’s like a weight has been lifted, especially if the person listening is willing to let you offload until you’re completely finished or has been through the same thing you have so can empathise with your situation.
Remove the physical clutter: Sometimes the reason you can’t deal with the mental clutter is because you have too much physical clutter which is acting as a barrier to you addressing your other needs. If you want to release the clutter that circles around in your head, you need to first purge your surroundings. A tidy space leads to a tidy mind so spend some time making your home into a haven so you can then unpack what’s going on inside.
Embrace your passion: A lot of people find their hobbies and pastimes are a means of therapy. In other words, what they are feeling can spill out into a project they are working on. Whatever makes you excited or engaged- do it more often as this will help you let those feelings pour out. For writers this could be onto the page, for artists this could translate onto a canvas and for musicians, this might manifest itself in the notes. Some of the greatest works have arisen from a mental torrent.
Limit your social media: Social Media is designed to distract you and to fill your mind with things you were never intending to think about in the first place. The lives of others on Facebook, items you think you need but don’t from targeted advertisements and news that may or may not be true. You don’t need this added clutter if your mind is already overwhelmed, so take it off your phone and resist the urge to look at it on your lunch break. It's the equivalent of someone coming into your home and leaving a huge pile of junk on your doorstep- don’t open the door.
Take a walk in nature: While this might not be possible everyday, one of the most effective ways to clear a burdened mind is to take a walk in a wooded area, to listen to the wildlife that surrounds you and to take in deep breaths of the clean air. We are not being true to who we once were in our homes and offices, so it’s important to give a nod to our primitive selves and return to where we once called home. What was a problem at the start of your walk often feels less important or worrying at the end.
RELATED: Minimalism: How might your life be better with less?
It's an important and valid question we should all ask ourselves if we are feeling discontent. Let me ask it might your life be better with less? Ask yourself this question and seriously consider what would change in your world if you were to remove the excess. The Minimalists are very much about the ‘why’ when it comes to paring down- the how is the easy part- it’s the ‘why’ that really matters as this will keep you driven through the decluttering process but also help you to find meaning once you reach the other side. Too many people have decluttered and then asked- now what? Having the ‘why’ firmly in place as you begin can help you massively once you reach the end of your purge. Here are just some examples of how your life might look better with less…to read more click HERE
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