Every now and again we all get a little fed-up of the décor in our home, you start to think that you have had the same photos for too long and you have been meaning to change the coffee table for months, but money is stretched. So how can you resolve this without breaking the bank? Here are a few tips to help give your home that much needed attention that it’s been craving.

Home and Garden on Female First

Home and Garden on Female First


Money problems

 If you have been gazing over the slightly overpriced lamp that you have the perfect spot for, then why don’t you have a good old clear out. Take time to have a good rummage through wardrobes, draws, even check the attic for unwanted clothes, old books, CDs, DVD’s and then sell them at a car boot sale or simply try online for quick, easy cash.


Free samples!

Anything for free is fantastic, but if you can make use of them then it’s a bonus! Go to DIY stores that offer free samples of fabric and patterns and take a look at which suit the vibe you are going for. As many places offer wallpaper for free, but only in small quantities, this could be used around a plain photo frame that has been stuck in a cupboard for far too long.


Charity shops

They are a great way to save money and something that doesn’t really mean much to someone anymore may catch your eye and be just the thing you need. Also, as the proceeds will be going to charity then it’s nice to know that your money will be going to great cause.



Colour Co-ordinate

To get the most out of a room and get it looking fabulous, make sure that your colours and patterns all complement one another to allow the accessories and fabric to work together. To save money, ask family and friends if they have furniture or lamps that have been stuck in the garage for months, that you think will be the finishing touch in creating a new lavish room.


Create a centre piece

To make a room more affective it should have a focus point. It can be as simple as having your bed in the middle of the room, a dramatic fireplace or hanging up a canvas. Be sure to make this the colour of the theme of your room as this will add a little extra spice!


Get inspired

Read magazines, look online and browse shops to allow you to check out all the different styles and colours to ensure that you have settled on a particular theme so you don’t go wasting money on colours that don’t match.


Keep it simple

The room that you think needs a touch of life doesn’t need to be jam-packed with anything that can squeeze in; being minimalistic will work wonders and create a lot more space, which will have you feeling great with a de-cluttered room. Remember the saying, less is more!


by for www.femalefirst.co.uk

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