How did we end up in September. For us on the flower farm, it’s the season of change. Autumn brings new challenges and lots of jobs in the garden. Below are our recommended jobs to get your cutting patch off to a flying start next year.

'It's time to get out the rake' - Photocredit: Pixabay
- Sow hardy annuals, such as cerinthes, ammi, scabiosa and cornflowers, for flowers early next summer. Either sow directly or over winter in a tunnel or greenhouse, We have planted some in the polytunnel and some outside. The soil is still warm enough for hardy annuals and it will give you a head start next year
- Lift gladioli corms, dry them off, then store in a frost-free shed or garage over winter
- Collect ripe seeds from your favourite flowers and store in labelled envelopes, ready to sow in spring. These need to be stored somewhere dry and away from mice
- Lift, divide and replant congested clumps of perennials, such as achilleas, once they finish flowering
- Plant spring bulbs, including crocuses, daffodils, hyacinths, bluebells and ranunculi’s. These go in at different times -leave tulips until November to reduce the rest of Tulip fire
- Deadhead your dahlias, and roses to keep flowers coming
- Sow sweet peas in a cold frame or unheated greenhouse to over-winter. Plant the young plants out in March/April for early blooms
We would love you to join our free Facebook group – The Cut Flower Collective for all hints and tips on having your own cutting flowers.
For more information, visit
Tagged in Garden