Whilst you may not be able to afford to completely decorate your bedroom every time you need a boost, take the opportunity of this Bank holiday weekend to give your bedroom a few loving touches that will make it feel like a whole new room.

Home and Garden on Female First

Home and Garden on Female First

First things first: without wanting to sound like your Mum, you need to tidy your room! De-cluttering is one of the simplest things you can do that'll make a massive change to your room. Clear out anything you don't need to keep, and flat-pack the stuff that has to stay. If your wardrobe is bursting at the seams, consider putting away your winter clothes, then you can just swap them round when the weather gets colder.

Another small change that makes a big difference is changing your bedding. Get a cheap new duvet cover or throw for your bed, it'll make your room come to life.

Replace your drawer wardrobe handles with some new ones. This will give a new lease of life to any ailing furniture.

If you're not entirely happy with the way your bedroom looks, hang some lace over the window. This will create a vintage-style mood lighting, and will make your room seem more sophisticated, but it'll also mean that everything else in your room will look better.

Get a pot plant. This will make your room look much fresher and awake, and it'll also make it feel better too, as plants are great at using up carbon dioxide.

Lastly, if you can't afford to do anything else, re-jig your stuff. Sometimes just simply moving round your furniture will help make your room feel completely different.

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