Question: It’s my turn to have the rest of the family over for Christmas and as it’s the first time that many of them will have seen my new home I’m keen to make a good impression. The carpet in the dining room is definitely past its best but rather than replace it, I’d love to up the wow factor by having a wooden floor. The floorboards are in good condition but I’m not sure where to start. What would you recommend?

Answer: You’re definitely right, wooden floors are a great option for the dining room. Not only do they look fantastic, but they’re really practical too.

In terms of getting started, I’d recommend a visit to the Sadolin website (, where you can download a podcast, which will talk you through the entire job – from choosing the sander through to applying the varnish.

I would actually also recommend using a Sadolin varnish to do the job as well. Sadolin Extra Durable Floor Varnish contains Teflon® Surface Protector Technology, which means that not only is it easier to apply, but it also offers really tough, hard-wearing protection that will keep your floor looking good for longer.

It comes in Clear and eight different shades from Maple through to Walnut, so whatever your dining furniture, you should be able to complement it beautifully with your floor.

Sadolin Extra Durable Floor Varnish is priced at £35.99/ 2.5 litres and is available from most good DIY retailers.

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